The Day of New Year's Eve, 2000
It nears mid-day the day before the true millenium starts. The champagne bottles will be opened, and hopefully no one will get hurt by flying cork bottles. Countless shots will be poured tonight, and people will get drunk and do things they don't want to remember doing. People will wear funny paper and plastic hats littered with glitter, and music will be played non-stop till the last verse of Auld Lan Syne. At the stroke of midnight, fireworks and party poppers will explode, and someone will marvel at that small work of a miracle.

Then there are those who have no plans for New Years. This year will pass as quietly as the last as they sit infront of the tv this year and watch everyone else steal the fun they could have had. They'll just eat cold turkey or something barely edible, and grumble about how the world is hopeless and such.

So, make sure this year is a good one. The turn of a millenium only happens to us mortals once in our lifetime, and that time should be spent with family and friends. No matter what your plans, be thankful you have any, and ignore all the troubles in your life for one day. Afterall, tomorrow is when all resolutions begin.

Have a happy New Years, everyone.

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