Despite the massive amount of homework still to do (and art project to finish), I am completely excited! I sent the poem which I had written to Eric today. I spent a lot of time hand writing it so that it masked my handwriting perfectly, perfumed the paper, and sealed it with wax with his name written in caligraphy on the front. Later on in the day, he was telling me about the love letter he got from Nicky (a friend of his who wanted to trade 'love notes' with). I was so close to laughing along with cry/scream/jumping in jubilation. I couldn't believe that he liked it so much!.. but now I have to follow it up with another one... which is in the works, and I hope he'll like it too! YAY!!!! ::screams::

Well, as I am typing this, I am munching on some Shrimp Chips (yum!) and sending out cards to all my friends who have email. I'm doing an awful lot of typing.. but oh well. Heh, making people suffer with evil cards is fun!

. . . . . posted:||3:37 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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