Just came back from Seri's place. Eh, I had fun... I guess. Except that now I smell like her grandma and it's.... uck. I need to rub some sandal wood oil on me to get rid of it! >.<

But, while over at her place, I got a chance to watch Ai No Kusabi (which roughly translates to "Wedge"). I've been meaning to order the fansub for a while, but my parents are far too paranoid when it comes to ordering stuff online... and if they found out the content of this particular tape well... they'd run screaming from the house to go fetch a priest. -_-

But AnK is rather heartbreaking. The relationship between the two male, erm, main characters takes the sado-masochistic role playing to new heights. In the end though, they grew closer and closer the farther they pushed eachother away. And in the end, they commit suicide together using poisonous cigarettes while a building fell on their heads. A different type of Romeo and Juliet, done just as heartbreakingly, and as sensually as well. Afterall, what is more sexy than lighting one's cig on their lover's already lit one? Well, I can think of a few, but that is one hard thing to top.

Erk... my dad just came in the room and claimed his parental control, changed the channel just as Buffy came on. >.< Time to go downstairs to watch.

. . . . . posted:||7:53 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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