My new painting is coming together quite well. I've decided to use a complementary family of colors (mainly red and green) instead of the rather boring black and white... But I need to get better oil paints! The ones my grandma bought for me are the cheap-o type, and they dry far too quickly and have a lackluster appearance when they dry. Maybe I should have used acrylic afterall...
And in other news, I've decided what to do with my favorite poems. I've recently been taking photographs I have taken (with an exception of one so far) and superimposing them onto the picture. Needless to say, they've turned out quite well. So, till I implement them in the next layout redesign, here are two of the ten I've done thus far: Oblivious , Sacchrine Valentine
... Just let Alyx look at both of them. Apparently he doesn't want to read or view such material. And it's his right, I guess. I just don't see him in the same, open-minded sense as I did before he commented. Oh well... the truth was bound to show itself sometime.
... Ever tried eating Jello out of it's plastic cup without using an utensils? It's along the same lines of unwrapping Starbursts in your mouth... quite interesting. Course, when I did it it made a terrible mess.
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