Mmm...Been looking through the other sites in I Kiss Boys, and I stumbled onto Dave's site. First off, love the image of the wing nailed into a... erm, steel plate. Looks like something I painted a while back... um, yeah. Second plus, that backgroud picture is just too damn sexy! Those two look so cute together... I wonder where he got that pic? Third plus, fan of Dave Mathews Band and Silverchair (Johnsy!). Fourth plus, he likes church. Now, that may sound weird and unusual, but I happen to like church sometimes too... mainly when I'm in the choir loft instead of in the congregation where people can't sing worth shit...

Speaking of church and singing, my friend can't make it to the MXPX concert today (after her psychotic mom found her reportcard) so now there's a free ticket up for grabs. I dunno... I don't really want to go, but a concert's a concert. On the other hand, I have a solo/duet to sing at 6pm mass today, and Patty would kill me if I missed it. I dunno... maybe I'm far to lazy to do either.

And in other news, Liz-from-Az's boyfriend gave me a critique of my poem "Sacchrine Valentine." According to him, it was awkward and felt... what was the word? Oh yeah... "gay." Personally, I take that as a complement. I always want myself to come through in my works, and if that's obvious from reading that one poem, I'm glad. On the other hand, why do people have to factor in gender preference into literature... or anything relating to life, for that matter? Yes, sensuality and sexuality are a big part of life in general, but does that necessarily include whether you're a fairy or not?

I really like this webpage layout... I think I'll keep it a little bit longer. But, on the other hand, I thrive on change. Maybe I'll keep it through March, and maybe into April too...

... Wait, six hands?... Damn, I must be Vinshu today. -_-;;

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