New address or not, HOT or NOT is still an addictive place to spend time. Weird thing is, today my sis joined in the fun and we spent an hour going through pics and debating what score we should give. It's scary how well we get along most of the time...

Funny quirk about my geometry teacher, Mr. Jackson... he has an urge to change the seating layout of the classroom several times a month. Today, he returned the desks into a row pattern, as opposed to the table groups we had before. Regardless, the new seating did nothing to change my place by the very cold air vent... Brr!

I was talking with Lailani before heading over to Japanese today, and Joey was there. While we used "code names" to refer to Eric (that's when I told her that I'm over him) Joey said "Just tell us that you're over Eric!" This event was followed by a quasi-conversation of why we liked Eric (and all three of us did at some point) while he danced ballet dangerously close to the railing, she banged a rhythm on the railing rather loudly, and I sang excerpts from "Bring on the Men." Really, quite surreal.

Hmm... ne'er noticed that Dave had a thing for making winamp songlists and posting em. But... looks like his collection is bigger than mine! No far... why did Napster have to go offline?! ;_;

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