With that said, I think I'm getting a new idea. I want to record myself reading my own poetry... what to do afterwards, I do not know. Still, poetry read out loud is so much more rich, so much more beautiful that what is written on paper. This all ties into my preference for oral poetry.
And in other news, new painting started, and I'm debating whether to color it or keep it black and white. I've recently come back from a "night" on the town, which involved two drinks from Starbucks and several dozen packets of sugar, heheheh. Afterwards, we went outside to watch the light show atop Fremont St. I still had to take a few pictures for the Las Vegas deck art project, so I took the following for the Jack of Clubs: a man cleaning the sidewalk, a statue of a baseballer ontop of the Las Vegas Club casino, a mime juggling bowling pins, a statue of a milkman, and a guy in a cloud costume.... no, not FF7 Cloud, but an actual, fluffy pink cloud. Oh, the tackiness of this town. Sometimes, I absolutely love it... but then nearly everything else lacks class.
... and dammit! I need to drink more mocha valencia!
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