AUDIENCE has a new layout. Eh, not particularly fond of this one... it's a bit too 80's-ish for my tastes. That, and I think you go the katakana wrong for audience, m'dear. Isn't it suppose to be a-di-ensu? I dunno. :p

Steven, owner of blog Goat takes enjoyment in acting condescending, doesn't he? But, I'm not complaining. Afterall, the page he mocks (eGirl) isn't all too special. That and the artwork presented isn't really up to calibre as others I have seen. If L really wants to work on her AP portfolio, she's going to improve far more than where she is right now. I've seen some of the AP work my upperclassmates are doing, and they're amazing. Even the sample portfolio we saw slides of got a 3 (6 being the highest) and still was better than the work presented on the aforementioned page. Regardless, I wish her luck because it is a lot of hard work.

... In fact, I haven't even considered what category my AP should be on. I'm contemplating working on a series of analogous or black/white pieces for my portfolio, but I need to find out more of the requirments for the AP portfolio so I don't have to throw out half of the work I've already accomplished. Ugh, I hate planning for the future.

Yes, today is a day to criticize other bloggers.

. . . . . posted:||11:58 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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