Currently listening to the newly acquired Sarah Brightman cd La Luna, specifically the Figlio Perduto. Damn, I don't know why, but I just love her music, despite the fact that I know only half the time what she's singing (mainly the english, latin, french songs)... Just found the "hidden" track at the end of the cd... perfect lullaby music... like half the record... anyways.

I have yet to take a measurable amount of time to work on my homeworks for various subjects... well, thanks to Paul I've got half of Health homework done... Just need to work on those dual worksheets for biology... along with coloring the lil animal thingies for the up-and-coming book... at least my painting is doing fairly well.

Speaking of which, we had notes about Art History in Mesopotamia. That culture is really rather intriguing... To think that all culture stemmed from th crescent valley craddled by the Tigre and E(something) rivers. I now have new ideas concerning the origins of things... which I'll probably put into the RPG I work on sparingly.

I think I wore out the tape for the new version of JCSS just to see all the parts with him in it... but I can't help it! He's too damned cute!

Today in biology I teased Mike who, now without the metal thing called "braces" in his mouth, is more kissable for his "friend" Drew.

Mike:"I swear he's not completely gay."
Me:"Right, more like 90% to 10%, but what's the difference?"
Mike:"How would you know about that?"
Me:"Hey, I'm the one with gaydar here, okay? Trust me, I know."

Next class, we get to dissect earthworms. Oh the fun to be had then.

Looking forward to ceramics tomorrow... and we start reading "A Midnight Summer's Dream" in English (*cough*Seri*cough*)... although I'm disappointed that my favorite Shakespeare play, "The 12th Night", isn't anywhere in the curriculum. Damn!

dizzy from bleeding... don't know why, or exactly where I'm bleeding from right now, but I know it's somewhere on my head... ugh.

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