First off, I'm here illegally since it's way past my bed time (not like I'll get repremanded for it, but oh well).
Singing at Easter mass wasn't as harrowing as I thought it would be. Actually, the sound system set up was better than the one in the church (we were singing in the parish hall where the other mass was taking place). I actually remembered all my tenor parts and finally got that weird frog out of the back of my throat. Now I can sing loudly and people will actually be able to hear me above the other tenor in the group (who's a good singer save his extreme FOB accent). Afterwards, I met some of dad's clinic workers as he bragged about how good my sis and I were today.
Afterwards, we went home where my uncle's family (minus my step-cousin Joe) brought food over and we had ourselves an Easter feast. My aunt knows how to make these absolutely delicious brown sugar cookies which always stay moist and have a nice gooy center filled with dates. Yum! Uncle made his amazing halibut steaks (in several different flavors), and I swear he should compete in Iron Chef someday. He's pretty damned good. To top off the occasion, we had some fresh strawberry pie from Marie Calendar's which were nice, large, and slightly on the sour side. A truely delectable meal.
We waited for the food to digest a bit before the whole family (minus my uncle's side since they felt really sleepy after eating so much) went to see Josie and the Pussycats. Call me a corporate whore (or social slave... or master) but I loved the movie! Sure, the whole thing was about subliminal messages and numerous plugs and product placement... actually, almost farce-esque in absurdity. Regardless, I've been listening to my soundtrack cd of it non stop... since I got it a week back, but anyways...
Next came an hour or so at Borders. The parents browsed the magazine sections while mi hermana y yo (yeah yeah, I know it isn't proper spanish!) looked through the music section for his cd. Sigh... then again, can you really expect to find an album released in 1997 in Borders? I think not. So, instead I had to settle for my own copy of one of my favorite books of all time: Exquisite Corpse. Due to the storyline and content, however, My style of art has leaned once again into the necrophillic. Sadly, I can't post those particular pictures here;they're a bit on the extremely graphic side.
Been reading Chris' (owner of the late personal online journal (which address I shall keep private due to his insistance). Funny how he speaks of regaining his motivation to paint, and how the peak of his artistic "career" during highschool seems almost utopic now. My painting of La Madonna De Guadalupe statue is almost finished, all that's left is the small (yet extremely fine) details of the sections where the paint was scrapped off. Personally, I don't like oil too much; I prefer to paint in successive layers. Acrylic has always been my medium of choice (either that or drawing and wood etching). The only way I can percieve myself actually oilpainting much is if I drybrushed (applying as little paint as possible) successive layer after layer. Trouble is, with oil I paint far too slowly. ::sigh:: oh well. I guess I'll have the summer to practice before the start of next year.
Speaking of school, I have "mixed emotions" about returning to the halls of learning... or lack-there-of... the hallways, I mean... aw, screw what I just wrote. Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing all my friends again, and to (moderated) wild times again. And again, and again, and again. What I will hate, however, is encountering the wrath and fevor of these last 8-9 weeks before school is out. And damn, freshman year has flown by so quickly. I want to be like Picard in that Startrek Movie so I can slow down time and live in the moment just that much longer. To steal a season out of life for myself to enjoy the connections I wouldn't have in the regular, bit wide world. I'll miss all my teachers this year as well. Not only have I struck friendships with a majority of them, but (almost) all my teachers this year have been energetic, enthusiastic, or easier to relate to because of their youth. Next year, however, I'm bound to get a bunch of burn-outs who don't give a damn about test scores in such. Hell, I already know I'm gonna be stuck with one asshole already. The only thing I'm looking forward to next year is my new art class and more people who can be possible b-friend material. Le sigh.
I've found out when is the best time for me to express myself. Apparently, at the time of the day when the least about of media power can invade my head, I can create pieces I don't feel like shredding and throwing to the wind. Currently, that means staying up way past my bed time to finish pictures at around 3:00am and then having only an hour's sleep or so, without factoring in all the times I'll slip in and out of it. Perhaps I should do what Andy did and have a "media fast" where I only choose two or three cd's as my link to the going ons of the outside world. Yes, it'll be almost impossible what with my love affair with Julian (that's the name I've dubbed my new computer). I just can't get my fingers to stop caressing his mouse and playing around on his hot keyboard! Oh how he turns me on!... actually, it'd be the other way around, but oh well.
It seems that the only music I can stand at this very moment is Jpop, so I don't understand a word they say. Morning Musume's Love Machine is currently engraved into my head, and it's nice cheerful tune is helping me to do... whatever.
Ugh... if people are gonna send me spam/porno emails, you think they'd have the tact to send it to me in one large bulk, as opposed to the once-every-5-minutes approach. Really, it's getting quite annoying.
And within the half hour gap between typing this comment and the last one, I've drawn a surreal picture which I actually like. Yes, if life can only be this uplifting for the rest of my time here. Heh, fat chance.
Damn, Chris writes a lot... and so have I it seems.
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