Today was weird.
First class (ceramics) we had an extended period because seniors were taking finals. So, I decided to finish glazing my teapot; came out rather nice except for the nasty hole where the spout met the pot. Had to cover that up.
Second class (art), my class was one of the very first to be visited by the touring officials. A news crew followed the people around the room, and the camera man took some shots of us. So, I'm sitting there working on my second colored pencil trying to prevent the shavings from getting on my quasi-silk (polyester) black shirt... I look a little bit to the right and the camera lens is abou 2 ft away from my face. How annoying. I was suppose to talk to the officials when they came, but since they came so early I didn't have enough time to go up there and talk, so my teacher had to do it. All this hoopla over the visit... and they didn't stay in the room for more than 10 minutes.
Third class (english) we finished up the play and reviewed for the final exam. I doubt we actually got through everything on the review, so i'll have to get the notes from someone.
Last class (health) I started filling out my review sheet (which I should be typing up... but naw). I was missing a few worksheets since the teacher didn't have enough time to let us work on them, so i'll have to get those from my sis. Whoopie.
Tomorrow I have to take a geometry test first thing in the morning... ech. I still need to study. I really should... but it'll be easy. Afterall, I aced the first semester exam. And since my old geometry teach wrote the test, it'll be easy beyond belief. Still gonna study though.
Heh, weird thing about music. On WinAmp right now is a list with songs my sis and I picked. For some reason, all the songs I picked are making me really happy (go Sugar Jones, Moffats, and JoyBox!) while listening to her songs make me irritable... and they're more or less of the same genre and type. I'd complain, but then I'd have to take some Advil for the headache after she shuts her mouth from complaining. Compromise sucks.
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