Finally bought an issue of XY. I must say... first off, the cover is rather disturbing (mocha-tan with hot/fusia pink nipples? no thanks). The small ads on the sides are a bit on the trite side (especially the one about Queer Christians)(... just used side twice and at too close a proximity. The letters are quite interesting, and so were some of the articles. The crowning grace of this magazine would have to be the editorial column about the dematerialization of America's standards, specifically the treatment of issues by the media. The article about Rene Capone was amazing; a calibre to match the paintings of his that they show. Major minus of this magazine? The Gaydar section with it's jarring slang, use of multi-colored lettering, sticky caps, and the whole tabloid feel of those two pages... ugh!

... I'm seriously considering sending in a few of my poems though.

. . . . . posted:||11:01 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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