Hmm... At the behest of L's suggestions, I'm contemplating installing some sort of commenting system (most likely blogvoices)... well well well, In the Closet Boy seems to be having the same type of problem...

In other news, we began reading A Midnight Summer's Dream in English (as expected)... and I got the part of Oberon! Oh yeah! King Fairie King Fairie... but I never did get the part where he wanted the changelling boy... Perhaps he's a pedophile?

Speaking of which... for Art I've decided to do the myth of G and Z, and I have the support of all my friends in art (except for the one whose completely homophobic). Thing is, we have to get our images from magazines. That means that I won't be able to get the two guys I've been intending for this picture (minus one) but I get to peruse the gay/lesbian section at BORDERS tonight (plus one) to find a suitable image (plus two). ^_^

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