Little word of advice... never ever eat some sweet tasting jello and then sip semi-sweet lemonade. Ech! You can't taste the sweetness at all, just the overbearing sour of the citric acid. Again, ech.

Nothing too extraordinary this week. Technically this is the last regular week of school I'll have. Next week we get monday off and then we review our materials for the finals the following week (with the tests for periods 1 and 4 on the last two days). Today was interesting to say the least.

Ceramics: finished that damned teapot, then had an interesting episode with finding the appropriate clear glaze to coat my new candle holder. At least my house/cathedral is baking nicely in the kiln.

Art: Ms. T is giving us today and tomorrow to get our thumbnails down pat before we have to start working on our project. I, being the perverbial chicken, waited till the last five minutes of class before getting my image approved. (seen here) Ms. T really liked how I used photoshop to manipulate the pics I scanned and asked me if I could post my thumbnails on the board. Of course, why not?

English: Performed AMSND again, but this time K accidently called me the "Queen Fairie" instead of who I actually am (I'm Oberon, the KING Fairie). This moment was preceded when, while trying to explain the plot to this rather daft dance major, someone made the mix-up of saying that Demetrius and Lysander fell in love (only in the LVA production, my friend). So, when that little mistake came around, almost everyone was howling with laughter. Naturally, I was embarassed but couldn't help laughing in the inside; I already knew Seri, Liz, J, and K were already doing that.

Health: Had a nice half hour's sleep while the guest speaker babbled on about nothing. I could've stayed awake but my sister fell asleep in her class (just the next room down) so she sent me all her residule sleeping signals via telepathy... Which is what I don't get, since we're not twins... but we're not exactly a year apart either. Hn...

Now, I'm working hap-heartedly on the final Biology science fair research. Come 2:00am in the morning, you'll see me scrambling to get it done. Whoopie! -_-

Still feeling the effects of the oysters from way back when... damn you Aphrodite and your damned spring fever... :p

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