Finally got back from the movies.

Moulin Rouge: That movie gets better everytime I watch it. Sara showed up with her friend and friend's boyfriend. Second time around, I noticed several different things: Christian's line to Satine during the performance was rehearsed earlier in the movie, and he has her bird at the very end. Once I see it a third time, I'll be able to catch more.

During the movie, two old people walked out of the theater. Even the old croons I had to sit by were contemplating leaving ("This is so stupid!"). However, at the end they were bawling. Which is why I never walk out of a movie, no matter how bad it is. In cases like that, I sleep.

Evolution: the second movie of the night. After watching Moulin Rouge my parents picked me and my sis up... well, we met them at the box office. Everyone felt like watching (another) movie, so we bought tickets to go see Evolution. Man, that was a stupid movie. It doesn't even get remotely funny till the aliens start evolving. And even then it's a chuckle every five minutes or so. Not to mention the shameless (and completely satirical) plug for Head and Shoulders.

The continuation of the Ewan movie fest will be later tonight with the viewing of A Life Less Ordinary. Oh yeah.

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