Summer school today was very entertaining indeed. Sure, no one brought a boardgame to play (Clue was schedueled to make an appearance) and sis forgot the Pop Rocks, Pixy Stix, and Binaca, but C brought a boom box so we could listen to music while relaxing indoors. Some of the freshmen we adopted (a tradition started during last year's summerschool) got really into the music we were playing, and we made a big connection with a bunch of people that day. All through the power of music! Erm, yeah...
Okay, confession to make. I become infatuated far to often, far too easily, and far too quickly. Actually, if I'm not pining over someone I get desperate and go for the most likely candidate nearby (in which case would be Brady). This time though, it's one of the people we've adopted for the summer: Matt. That boy isn't gorgeously hot, but he's cute none the less. The fact that he likes basically the same type of music I do and agrees with the whole protoculture movement are big pluses. During the later part of the day, while we were listening to music, he leaned back and rested on me. I have the feeling that it was purely platonic, but then my over-active-romantic mind kicks in and I'm left wondering if he's being forward for a reason... Naw, nothing like that.
Mmm... Opium incense smells good!
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