amount of students: 150+ (last year 30+)
amount of teachers: 4 (last year 2)
required time walking: 0 minutes
required time on outside courts: 105 minutes
sport: tennis
performance: poor
group: 7; players: 4; balls: 2
nutrition break: 30 minutes
bought: Coke
saw: Gab (cousin)
required time weight lifting: 0 minutes
required time indoors: 120 minutes
sports: volleyball, ping pong, BS, badmitton
performance: well (BS, volleyball, badmitton); poor (ping-pong)
cute guys in class: 10+
Erm, yeah. The stats version of the experience. Overall, a fun experience. Need to bring more entertainment than just a deck of cards... I want to wait a week before I bring my CD player.
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