Well, it's nearing midnight today. And quite the day it has been.

Ceramics: Finished up my teapot. Talked with friends. Old hat, and nothing much else.

Art: Finished my essay final in about half an hour, so I had the remaining hour-n-half to work on my colored pencil. Did I? Not really. I don't need to actually since this one's just for fun. So, when everyone was finally finished, I just passed around my yearbook a bit and had some people sign it.

English: Watched the 1968 BBC version of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Horrible film quality, and the transitions were only deliteful if mocked. The only saving grace this film had was the Bottom's donkey mask. To stay awake, I sat on the floor and chatted/mock commentary with my other friends sitting with me. To cleanse myself later, I went and watched the newest version of AMSND. Despite the hacking/resequencing/rewriting of the script, it was quite good. The added character depth to the characters (specifically Bottom) were quite refreshing.

Heatlh: Finished my review sheet, listened to Incubus, and wrote in my leather-bound book about my cursive (written in cursive no less). If I find the time, I'll scan it for posterity.

The great Iron Chef battle was on today, and personally I'm glad team "All French" won. Their dishes were quite impressive, and I had such an aching after watching them that I decided to whip up a quick scallop sautee (which turned out rather nicely). Yes, being a chef would be loads of fun, no?

Currently watching Storytellers: Matchbox 20 on VH1. I adore their new album, despite the relative absence of any happy songs. But whoever said it had to have any?

Tomorrow promises to be interesting.

. . . . . posted:||11:52 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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