God. Grandma's oh so desperately trying to make the new fabric she bought match the curtains of the living room. Earlier today she went out and bought three bolts of cloth to make draperies to match the new tapestry she bought at auction. Both cloth and tapestry have a rustic, antique fade to their color. Problem is, the blinds in this house are a pink-peach color and, although tinted slightly white, is still far more vibrant than the two aforementioned items.

So, I try to strike a compromise with grandma; make coverings for the sofas under the tapestry with the cloth and use the remainder as a drapery for the tapestry itself (the tapestry is hanging on the wall). But alas, she's being stubborn and won't consider my advice. Now she's dead set in making those draperies since she thinks that it'll look beautiful if she did... Well, I tried. Mom will definetly not be happy with the changes grandma wants to make though...

Hrm. I could be an interior designer and an architect if I wanted to.

Currently working out the kinks before I publish my photography website. Along with the coming of the photo-page is a new layout design for this page as well. So busy... and I have to update SoftFeathers as well...

. . . . . posted:||7:04 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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