During the whole Venetian outing, I learned something about my grandma from my dad. Only till recently has it begun to dawn on my mind. Now I know why she's completely materialistic. I understand her mindset now... and I doubt the judgement call my dad made in presenting that point. Now I have the resources to do severe damage to my grandmother's mental state. And at this point I feel like using my full arsenal on her mind.
Tonight was a distant cousin's birthday party. Thing is, grandma said it was a graduation party ("In the middle of summer?") so my family and three other family units gave her congratulations and graduation cards. Ha. Party was boring as hell; sat on the couch and ate most of the time while watching Hot Shots: Part Deux through the thick arrangement of carnations blocking my view. Most of the party's guests were half family and half her friends. The family side was the usual mixture of aunts, uncles, cousins, all who don't really have blood ties to me but they're close enough. Friends... well, let's just say that I felt like I was in a rap video. All the girls were more or less tight-chested and gifted in the butt-padding area complete with short-as-hell booty... erm, shorts. The guys were the girls' ghetto-fab, pimp daddy boyfriends who grabbed their crotches like they were picking their noses.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the ghetto-fab filipinos. Just that... there're way too many of them. There are only a handful of filipinos who are into the music I enjoy most, let alone know what the hell Protoculture is. So, I can't relate much to the majority of the filipinos my age in Vegas. Which sucks, since meeting people is so much fun.
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