Entry #600. In celebration of this event, I'll post a survey I took/wasted the time to complete. From Sarah:

* Starting time:
1:55 am

* Name:

* Nicknames:
Chuck, Chuckles, Chuckie, Chuckster, Shyaku, Buddha, El Diablo, Teddy Bear... the list goes on

* Birthday:
Feb. 2nd

* Eyes:

* Color of Hair:
Turning Brunette from all the conditioner

* Height:

* Siblings:

* Kept a secret:
Up till recently, my life's been one big one

* Had an imaginary friend:
Does an imaginary voice in your head count?

* Wanted to hook up with a friend:
Far too many times

* Cried during a Flick:
'Course. I'm not the apathetic devil everyone makes me out to be.

* Had a crush on a teacher:
No infatuation, just pure lust. And several at that.

* Found a cartoon character attractive:
Let's pause to remember my anime obsession years.

* Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the block video:
Taped one episode of the animated TV show, but that's it.

* Planned your week based on the TV Guide:
SundanceChannel.com. For a month. Even then it fell through halfway.

* Prank called someone:
Who hasn't?

* Been on stage:
Plenty. Hoping to go back someday.

* Gotten in a car accident:
Not a fun experience


* Shampoo:
Pantene. God, can't believe I just answered that...

* Color:
Red, Black, White, Orange, Lavender/Violet/Purple

* Day/Night:
Nocturnal creature for all eternity. Especially in my current habitat.

* Summer/Winter:
Autumn. Best of both worlds.

* Online smile:
^_^ They're Emicons, dear.

* Lace or satin:
Satin. Easier to seduce blind people with.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend:
Hah... no

* Crush:
Constant dependency problem. So, yes.


* Do you have a best friend:
That would be no. Plenty of friends, some closer than others, but not one who can claim that they know me better... unless you count the sibling.

* Who's your loudest friend:
Christy and her spider screams.

* Who's the shyest:
Crystal who needs to stop reading this and go outside for a change. Yes, there is a thing as non-artificial sunlight.

* Who do you go to for advice:
Sis or Liz. Both Liz's.

* Who do you get the most surveys from:
Sarah... I'm looking at your direction.


* Cut your hair:
Pulled a few strands out whilst combing.

* Been mean:
When it's concerning my grandma interupting me while painting, always.

* Met someone new:
Hard to when you're couped up inside all day and awake at 2:00pm.

* Talked to someone you have a crush on:
No. He's currently with his stepdad in Vermont.

* Missed someone:
Plenty of people.

* Fought with your parents:
Grandma. More like her scolding/lecturing me about something I know already and me giving her the silent treatment while staring her down.

* Wished upon a star:
The only stars bright enough to shine in the sky above this city are really planets.

* Laughed until you cried:
If only. That would make things interesting.

Done Lately

* Played Truth or Dare:
Wish I did. The Nervous Game with Matt was fun though.

* Watched a sunrise/sunset:
Not with the shit sunsets/sunrises in Vegas.

* Went to the beach at night:
The beach house is closed at this time of night... and I live in a valley.

* Spent quality time alone:
Painted for almost 4 hours straight. Does that count?

* Are you happy:
Dreading piano lessons and the DMV test on saturday.

* Are you wearing your pajamas:
Night attire: grey Old Navy shirt, boxers, green swimming trunks.


* God/Devil:
They're practically the same if you think about it hard enough.

* Your friends:
Most of them.

* Love:
Every fucking minute. No wonder I don't have anyone at the moment.

* Closet monsters:
Only when I put on the hockey mask and hide in my sis' closet.

* Heaven/Hell:
Nirvana, Samsari, Asgard, Nifelheim, etc. etc. Who needs a final destination when the journey's much more fun.

* Superstitions:
Grandma's dependency on them has beaten them out of my mind

* What color pants do you have on right now?:
Olive green. Not really pants but... oh, boxers are olive green too.

* What was the last thing that you ate?:
Penni a la Pesto. Was going to be coffee but sis beat me to the last scoop.

* Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?:
Nowhere lowbudget or some place dreary. Assuming that I get married let alone find the right guy.

* Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with:
Certain family members and friends.

* What did you do last night:
Attempted to paint while the cockroaches squirmed.

* What's the nicest thing that you found about your crush?:
High appreciation for art and music.

* What's your favorite singer, rapper or group?:
Do people really expect others to answer with only one singer/rapper/group? I'd say Our Lady Peace or... Dashboard Confessional.

* How do you eat an Oreo?:
Tend to avoid those things. And isn't it suppose to be Reese's?

* Who makes you happy?:
Anyone who'll listen to my problems or sing a musical's entire score with me on the phone.

* What are your future goals?:
Architect. Artist. Graphics. Design. Boyfriend. Swimmer's build. Studio apartment.

* Your fave music?:
Anything but hardcore rap or old country music.

* Favorite movies?:
Moulin Rouge, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The Cell, Down to You, Simply Irresistable, As Good As It Gets, Trick, Get Real, But I'm A Cheerleader, The Matrix, Interview With a Vampire, The Talented Mr. Ripley... too many as you can see.

* Fast or slow?:
Alternating rhythms please.

* Are you too shy to ask someone out?:
There's a difference between being shy and being scared they'll beat the shit out of you.

* Have you ever been in love?:
Let's not get started down that road...

* What is the stupidest thing that you have ever done?:
The first 9 years of my career as a student have all been one big mistake.

* Do you like scary or happy movies better?:
Happy only because I usually need an uplifter when I go see a film.

* On the phone or in person?:
There're advantages for both. But considering I have no mode of transit out of this house, the phone's the way to go.

* Lust or Love?:
Both in one hot package.

* Do you like this survey?:
Just like asking the torture victim if that last limb severing hurt much.

* Favorite fruit:
Rupert Everet and Boy George... Oh, edible fruits? Grapes, bananas, and artifical orange flavor.

* Do you like snow?:
Haven't had enough of it in my life to tell... but shaved ice is nice.

* Who is your favorite SANRIO character?:
Badtz Maru, Purin, Pochacco, Twin Stars, Unico, Pyo Pyo... oh wait, that's the bastard character.

* Favorite line from a song:
"Pictures on the wall, just waiting there to fall, still remind me, that faithful holiday, can almost hear you say, 'Please don't miss me, tonight!"
-Fenix TX's "Tearjerker"

*Time Completed:

I must say that this season of Undressed has a lot of gay guys in it's storylines. Need to record the whole season when they replay it.

. . . . . posted:||2:45 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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