Yes, grandma is going on "vacation" to see relatives in Cali for a whole week. She fears that the house will be unkept and demolished by the time she comes back (in her words: "I will come back to a mexican house.") but she over-estimates her needed presence to maintain the sanitation level in this house.
I really don't see why she wants to go. When she get's there, she'll be so tired most of the time that she won't go out and stay in the house taking care of the little kids and cooking/cleaning like she does in the house anyways... and that's voluntary too.
Set an audition for the Teen Choir at church today. Hopefully this year will prove to be more guy-populated than last time. But, I'll take just about any excuse to be up and singing...
I would join an acting troup/production (a la Las Vegas Performing Co.) but I'm not that convicted to it and neither do I have the time to do so.
Ate at Sweet Tomato after mass again. Sis and I sat apart from the parentals again to talk about stuff I can't really in the house. I hinted at my very first boyfriend back in AZ which I never told her about. So, we played 20+ questions. Still doesn't know who it is. he he he
And perfect example of how well we two get along: at the same place there was this really cute guy who kept walking past our table to get to the small buffet they had. We both commented on his attractive overall features and whispered cat-calls ("yeah, lick that spoon!") after he had passed.
Went to Borders and bought four things: an issue of Dance Mag, XY, Idle Blinds, and the movie/production book for Moulin Rouge. The evidence piles up. Anyways, the guy at the register (rather attractive I might say) smiled a bit when he saw what I was buying. I got my money out of my pocket (since I've currently misplaced my wallet) and handed the appropriate amount to him. At the sight of the slightly crumpled bills he said "What? Did you get these from the bottom of your shoe?" "Long story 'bout those things." I reply. I need to get a wallet and money to fill it FAST.
Outside of the bookshop where the tables for the neighboring Starbucks were placed, there was someone performing. A guy was singing his own Emo songs with an acoustic guitar and was rather good at it. One of the larger tables were occupied by his friends (all attractive in their punk/emo attire) who applauded vehemiantly when he finished a song.
Yep, today's been a day for nice eye candy.
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