# 700

So, what am I gonna do about it? Originally I was going to do a self-analytical thing like Rica does, recaping the past 100 posts... but I'm too lazy to do that. So, here's my horoscope for the upcoming monday courtesy of Yahoo!:

You're going to have a fairly long stretch of introspection. No, this isn't a prison sentence! Everyone knows that you're not too keen on self-analysis, but you are going to need this time to mull over the lessons the cosmos is offering you. Specifically, it is inciting you to make a major inner transformation in the way you deal with others. "Be less proud" is the simple message, but you will need every one of the next few weeks to integrate it into your soul. Get to work!

Male Daily:
You might want to rest and to recharge your batteries. This is probably a busy week, and your nervous system could be over-stimulated. The Moon is conjunct Venus, urging you to pamper yourself. Have a lazy evening at home. Read a good book or watch a funny movie. Go to bed early and get caught up on your sleep. Eat your favorite foods and ignore the pressures of the outside world.

When people start scrambling to sit next to you in math class, take heed. These may not be your new best friends. They probably heard the buzz that you're a math whiz, and wanted easy access to the master.

Your self-image could suffer a blow after Wednesday, making you more vulnerable. You're too eager to compromise, and more willing to take the blame for any problems. You may feel that your mate takes you for granted. If that's true, don't let it happen, but if that feeling is the result of low self-esteem, the planetary timing is right to build the kind of self-confidence that ensures success. If you're ready to share your life with someone, be prepared to encounter unusual reactions from others. The people you meet are open, and you like them. Frustrations surface around midweek, however. You may even encounter the same people, but now they're nervous, unstable, and have more than their share of problems. If you enjoy relieving others of their anxieties, you'll love most of August.

Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, and the Sun will get together to make today quite interesting -- which, of course, is your favorite state of affairs, Aquarius. But speaking of affairs, with this secretive pack working together with the combination of loving Venus and risk-taking Jupiter, you'd better be careful. Temptation will be everywhere.

Romance Monthly:
At the beginning of the month, go ahead and move forward on those plans you've had in mind, even if you're going it solo -- your honey pie will come running to catch up. Nobody likes being left behind! The Taurus Moon's influence on the 6th, 7th and 8th will keep you steady and on the right course, though you might strain a bit at the tether of discipline and conservatism. Family places itself front and center on the 11th and 12th -- make it clear to snookums that, like it or not, they're just going to have to deal with your mother and her mood swings. You're well-balanced around the 17th and 18th, easily juggling work, friendships and romance. Your boss, pals and significant other will thank you -- and all will think they're your top priority. Good job! If all the responsibilities get you down on the 25th, make a run for it -- your sweet pea will understand if you just need a few days to yourself.

Expanded Daily:
With all of the great things that have been happening to you lately, it's easy to see how you've gotten to be so sure of yourself. It's important to keep in mind that good luck is a random gift though, Aquarius, not a resource to tap at your convenience. The Moon in Virgo is here to save your hide, but it won't be this way every time. Always make a habit of looking before you leap, just in case the safety net is missing.

Male Romance:
A phone call, perhaps business-related, could come from someone who wants you to drop everything and make a short trip out of town. This might upset your weekend plans, but it might work for you if your sweetheart accompanies you. A romantic getaway might be just what you need! No matter what the purpose of the trip, you should still be able to muster some time alone.

Weekly Forecast:
With a grand trine all in air signs over the course of this week, you will find that you have plenty to keep you occupied, and you will enjoy socializing, mixing, mingling, and forming and reforming friendships. The movement of Mars into Capricorn could indicate that for a few weeks you may not make as much ground with certain plans or projects as you would like. But life is made of rhythms and cycles, and this presents a good opportunity for you to recharge your batteries and to allow life to flow for a while, instead of trying to push the river.

Monthly Forecast:
Relationship issues are (still!) your main focus this month, as your ruler, rebellious Uranus, opposes Venus, the planet of love and relationships! You crave change and excitement in your partnerships now, and you are prone to make waves just to add flair and adventure to your interactions. You seem to gravitate toward unusual and eccentric people, places and ideas, and you hardly can stand anything that seems ordinary or routine. In addition, you are so unpredictable in your emotions now that even you don't really know what you feel from one moment to the next. Clearly, the energies will challenge even the most solid of bonds, and you can expect the month to be anything but calm. Try to channel the energies in a productive manner, by engaging your partner(s) in your search for exciting and original experiences. Rather than shutting him/her out, share your wildest thoughts and musings, and see if he/she will actually help you come up with grand schemes to go!

Gen X:
If you don't do it now, when are you gonna get the chance to do it again? Your social calendar is already starting to fill up even as you're reading this.

Yargh. Why do people believe all this shite again?

. . . . . posted:||11:56 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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