I won't comment on the actual events of this morning else I may suffer lynchings and otherwise. People at this moment are a bit too sensitive to look at the situation from a purely neutral and tactical point of view; times like these aren't great for people who are able to diassociate themselves and look at things from several perspectives (i.e. americans crying for revenge, the palestinians are rejoicing on their side (although I highly doubt they aren't the only ones responsible for this), and the attack was masterfully skilled, but families and friends were lost, a city is rubbled, the skyline has been changed, and paranoia has already begun to set in).

Interesting thing to note about the weblogging/journaling community at large. It's more or less a reflection of the current times and events. And the more important/popular an event, the more there are entries written on it. If anyone was smart, they'd use blog-word-of-mouth to market and advertise their products. Hell, we've seen that happen already with several things (i.e. psychoanalysis test) and god knows it's big when all your daily reads are doing it... later posting it on their pages and you get to compare how fucked up everyone is. Not to mention that most (not all) blogs are at least posting today; the dormant authors even moved to make an entry.

Ya see... there's a reason why I don't like physical journals... I haven't been maintaining mine much. And no ideas are spread out unless it is published or passed on... but not at the speed of electronics.

They say that the best thing you can do for the country right now is give blood, go about your day as normal, keep calm like the British during Germany's bombings of it and don't let that ego start mass hysteria, and... yeah, that's about it.

But, if worst comes to worst, I'd rather not go to war where the frontline's in my backyard. And when family/friends died is when I go on an evil massacre.

I'm also wondering what the reprocussions/paranoia will do to the treatment of those not natively American or of middle-eastern decent. Afterall, we really don't need the mob to do pograms/genocide now do we?

There, I talked about it.

. . . . . posted:||11:14 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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