Notice that big smile plastered on my face?

(okay okay, I know you can't see me 'lest I setup a webcam which I refuse to... but humor me)

Yeah. So Danny (or "DJ" as he goes by sometimes) has a boyfriend. Funny thing is, I learn this tidbit of info in the morning and it doesn't completely kick in till the class before lunch. At that point I become depressed as heck and am already planning ways to cultivate my negative emotions into creative energy.

Lunchtime swings by and I'm regurgitating my misfortune to all those who care to hear/ in the vicinity and bitch and moan etc. etc. Going outside and sulking with Leah and Mary for a few minutes till I see Mr. D talking to Rica where I usually hang out. So, I high-tail it over there to initiate friendly conversation. Simple to say that the conversations were quite "friendly" indeed. Ahem.

After hanging out with the boy for the majority of lunch, I felt much better. I actually got to know him just a little bit more... And in doing that I broke my infatuation. Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy. However, it's been quite some time since I was able to speak to another guy about cute guys. Let alone one who can relate to the hellish years in the middle school I attended... and the shared infatuation with Eric.

My problem with crushes is this: I place the person in question in a high pedestal as an example of Adonis incarnate. I'm too busy magnifying all the favorable qualities and fantasizing of us spooning while watching late-night re-runs of Xena, that I forget there maybe an actual person in there.

So yes, I'm happy that I got over that before it escalated into something very ugly. Also, Danny's one of those people who can manage to make me feel comfortable; not intimidated. Despite the plethora of friends/ acquaintances I have, I always gravitate towards those whom I feel comfortable with.

I guess it's about time I wrote about the necklace thing, huh? Nope. Maybe next post, but not today.

While coming from the art room towards the stairs to the door, Danny comes running down and basically throws a playful kiss my way; just a few inches away from my face at that. Damn you flirt! ^_^

Oh, feel like seeing me with the members of Kittie? Pick up Metal Edge sometime then.

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