"This is quite bizarre; keeping a physical journal. I'm more used to blogging online. It doesn't completely make sense to me to maintain one for a photography class (unless the teacher I have has a voyeuristic urge to document the growth and highschool year/career of a possible future acante guar photo master; hell, I'd do it just to say "look how I influenced my students and produce artistic genuises") but a grade's a grade and I personally like my 4.0 GPa the way it is.

So, I guess I 'll reach some sort of compromise. Seeing how I don't blog due to falling asleep and waking at odd hours, I'll write in here instead and then convert from analog to digital.

Currently the cable company is free-previewing Showtime which means that I get to see the newest episodes of Stargate SG-1, and I get to wath Queer as Folk on the big screen for the first time. Yay."

Made a batch of chocolate syrup because I'm bored. And to get a sugar high since god knows I need one right now.

And the events of the upcoming weekend won't help either.

. . . . . posted:||11:09 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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