Tuesday had been quite interesting.

It was the day after Leah's b-day, so I gave her three roses from the backyard garden as a sort of belated present (Ben, Rica's little bear, was holding one of the European variety for her). Later that day at lunch she gave me a slice from the cake she got on monday. Thing is... it was an ice cream cake. Needless to say, despite the ice pack in her bag, the cake took on an unusual shape. Good cake regardless, but Yombo found it a bit too sweet.

Also during lunch, Justin was passing out issues of the Bugle and Lesbian Voice. Naturally took an issue and brought it home. Just recently flipped through it... not really XY but not The Advocate either. A bit disappointed but what can you do? Well written article on Vegas' oldest drag show though.

Little bit of a scare. Thought I lost my dad's cell phone so I spent all lunch period checking with teachers and bitching to friends about it. Guess where the damned thing turned up? In my backpack...

Wanted to go to open house tonight... but stupid sister and her procrastinating ways didn't so we just stayed at home. And none of the teachers were staying long so I couldn't spend the whole time at school. Damn... and I wanted to check out the gallery they hung that night. That and all the superb performances being held at the opening this year; last year's was extremely mediocre.

Anyways, been tired too much lately. And not nearly hungry enough considering all I've had to eat was that piece of cake Leah gave me.

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