Several interesting things to note:
- Got a bunch of stuff in English class right. Really started my day off positively. (confidence +1)
- Kicked butt at the review game in History (con. +1) but Ms. Hoffman scolded those who were being loud and abnoxious. (con. -1)
- Ms. Belin didn't do much today except finish up the labs we didn't have time to do. Went over notes on matter which were mostly known already. Within the table's conversation notebook, I was discussing the specifics of anal intercourse since G asked about it. Needless to say that they were scarred. (heartless +1) Lauren gave me a thumbs up, and I got to draw some henna designs on her arm (mood +1). It blotched a bit thanks to her skin though.
- Lunchtime I got Danny's info into my lil black book (con. +1) and was able to finish my decals after going into art halfway through lunch.
- In Art, I worked more on the last two things I needed to do. The plaster mold is still drying in my locker, so I'm hoping it won't crack when I take it out tomorrow. Turned in my sketchbook assignment which is a bit mediocre... but what can ya do?
Also today, Justin was describing how Travis was treating his b/f who happens to be Danny. According to him, Travis treats Danny much like Saiyonji did Anthy (Utena reference there). In other words, he ditches him waiting at the stairs between Main and Knapp hall to talk to friends, and D just stands there obediently. Not completely sure if I should believe the things he says, but whatever. Don't feel like butting in since I know I hate it when people do that to me.
And in other news, I have an hour and a half of humiliation today. In other words... I have church choir practice. Seriously feeling like quitting, but then I won't be able to talk to Sarah much. Hn.
Usagi didn't come home last night. Her mom was calling all her friends till 2:00am in the morning. Hope nothing bad has happened... then again, my anime group of friends have a tendency to over-react. In otherwords, if they see a blue pigeon they'd scream that it was the end of the world and will begin to gather the seven seals and seven harbingers. Eh.
Discovered my dad's Janis Joplin CD. My effing lord she is amazing! No Charlotte Church, but few female singers short of Alanis Morisette and Tori Amos (also Ani DiFranco to an extent) can convey the raw emotion she has. I wish I could have seen her perform live, she must've been something else.
Oh, on the drive home the bus that usually takes people from LVA to their homeschools in the summerlin area broke down infront of a gas station. Sure enough, I saw Danny and a bunch of people I know walk out of the store carrying drinks. Figures.
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