Thinking about it, that World History class with those two people in it scares me. The teacher I'm familiar with so it's a very loose and near care-free atmosphere, but those two intimidate me. They give off an air of flightly, ephemeral-troubles with a nice bubbly after taste.
Eric can't help but be happy and constantly smiling whenever he does something.... erm, anything for that matter.
Joey just gives the air of "token darling girlfriend" and has to act as "cutely" as possible at almost all times.
But what I hate/envy most about these two is their ability in articulation. Eric's opinions are always backed by an equally bubbly tone of voice so he gives off the aire of the little kid, and everyone just thinks it's cute.
Joey has amazing articulation and is not afraid to put his opinions out in the open for dissection from the entire class.
Add Lizzy-pooh who is even more verbally finessed than the two combined... and I'm afraid of looking stupid in contrast to these brimming examples of... can't really say intelligent about all of them, but opinionated yes. And I who always has to pick out the right things to say before I attempt to even open my mouth...
... but we'll come back to that later.
How the fuck am I ever going to be taken seriously. I want to approach things in a more mindful manner just like I would in the manipulation of certain people. However, I must break away from the initial appearance of myself to others. Thank genetics for giving me a face that can be described as "adorable" but not "sexy" or "intelligent" and a voice on the high side with no potential to be seductive. If the situation needs it I can act like all the other prissy out guys, but I prefer not to. If I can get my way, I can exploit my cute features to the fullest extent, but that only demeans my self image.
So, tell me this: what outward appearance can an extremely multi-faceted person have without the initial stereotypes?
... for the most part I guess I'm just looking for someone to have conversations and in-depth discussions on the topics I hold oh so dearly. Something that has an abundance of absent 'yeah, yes, yep, no, nope, huh, I dunno, what?' words.
There's got to be someone out there with a deep appreciation for all things art. Someone who believes in tasteful sensuality, elegance, and the beauty of any self-expression or realization as a mantra in the way of life. Someone with beautiful ideals.
And someone I cannot be intimidated by.
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