But first... Pride Alliance meeting. Right off the bat people got into deep discussions of exactly what the club ment. Many people were bringing up points about how the club posters should show how we are more than just a "homo" club. People kept on speaking their discrepencies with our teacher advisor hardly getting a word in. Finally someone said something along the lines that "if they're not comfortable with the idea of us talking about the subject of being GLBT among other things, they might not be the type of people we want in this club." Finally, a different opinion! After the meeting was over (around 3:10 ish) everyone went into the gym to work on our club's booth.
Later that night, once I got home, showered, and dressed, I went to the dance. Sis stayed behind since she only had half an hour's sleep last night (techinically a total of 1.5 hours including all the little naps she took during the day).
Arrive at the school around 7:15pm wearing my bohemian outfit (basically I was Satie from Moulin Rouge sans glasses and baldness). Everyone thought I was just a regular hobo or frosty-the-snowman. Qua?
Immediately went and sook people out to annoy and dance with. Ended up dancing with Lauren every-other dance (and yes, people actually dance in my school's dances) and we'd always get extremely dirty when we did. Most of the dancing we did involved girating hips, swinging body parts, and one or both of us getting/falling on our knees at some point. Danced with a few other people, but most were slow dances and all the people on my dance card were female. ::pouts::
Had about five Pina Coladas during the dance (all non-alcoholic of course... dammit) so I was quite hyper for the duration of it. Hung out with several groups of people. There was Nikki's group with everyone as Josie and the Pussycats, my anime friends, people from P.A., and people from the hackie-sack group. Interesting costumes to note: Justin dressed up like a chinese doll, Nick went as a geisha girl, Theo was going as Buffy, Claire as a belly dancer, Zack as some sort of undead pimp, DJ as a prince, Aki as Qui-Gon Jin, and Christian came "tarred and feathered." He he.
Kinda felt sorry for Justin though. Our booth wasn't selling as much as the people who were doing pina coladas and strawberrie daquiries or the one selling soda. Could be worse, we could've been as bad as the NHS trying to sell water. But Justin looked a bit annoyed/depressed nearing the end of the dance. I wanted to go over and make him feel better but I fear I would've just made the situation worse.
With stuff like that going down for the mear Halloween dance, I can't wait to see what they'll cook up for Winer Formal.
(on a side note: Mr. Jackson was dancing for the first two songs. Pretty funny/ impressive)
And yeah, I think I was using the whole DJ crushing thing as an excuse to get my mind off of someone else.
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