Well, hopefully now this page should've updated a bit.

(sorry to bother ya Davey)

Day didn't go to well... was hyper in the morning till English were I got slammed for a disorganized notebook, neglecting to put a name on one of my assignments, and forgot to bring my textbook to class that day.

History class was spent (at the beginning at least) hustling to finish an assignment, took mundane notes, read "The Song of Roland" translated into english, and almost fell asleep.

Chemistry was sleepable. Chatted with Brady whom I haven't talked to in quite a long while.

Art notes consisted of the end of the Roman Empire and the artforms of Early Christianity. Did I mention that I had religious ed class tonight? I did NOT need to have all that reitterated back to me.

Seems like today I've been extremely borderline... and I read about 100 pages from Gaiman-sensei's Neverwhere. Which is good because it's an interesting read, but bad because I'll be done with it soon.


. . . . . posted:||9:19 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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