grateful adj.
1. Appreciative of benefits received; thankful. 2. Expressing gratitude. 3. Affording pleasure or comfort; agreeable. –grateful·ly adv. –grateful·ness n.

gratitude n.
The state of being grateful; thankfulness.

apreciation n.
1. Recognition of the quality, value, significance, or magnitude of people and things. 2. A judgment or opinion, especially a favorable one. 3. An expression of gratitude. 4. Awareness or delicate perception, especially of aesthetic qualities or values. 5. A rise in value or price, especially over time.

happiness n.
A condition of supreme well-being and good spirits: beatitude, blessedness, bliss, cheer, cheerfulness, felicity, gladness, joy, joyfulness. See HAPPY.

content adj.
1. Desiring no more than what one has; satisfied. 2. Ready to accept or acquiesce; willing: She was content to step down after four years as chief executive. v. –tr. con·tent·ed, con·tent·ing, con·tents. To make content or satisfied: contented himself with one piece of cake. n. Contentment; satisfaction.

satisfaction n.
1. a. The fulfillment or gratification of a desire, a need, or an appetite. b. Pleasure or contentment derived from such gratification. c. A source or means of gratification. 2. a. Compensation for injury or loss; reparation. b. The opportunity to avenge a wrong; vindication. 3. Assurance beyond doubt or question; complete conviction.

.. Just trying to figure out how being thankful and aware of one's blessings is suppose to make one content. From my findings, I find nothing to substantiate that statement.

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