English: In the beginning of class I was panicing severely. I had forgotten to read Act I of Julius Caesar. Hell, I even forgot to bring the book. But the substitute teacher didn't do much 'bout that so I got off relatively scott-free.
World History: The sub gave us a 15 min. lecture which I felt was completely unnecessary, then saw an episode of Lonely Planet, drew in sketchbook, etc. Taylor had broken his finger so his writing hand was in a full cast save his index finger and thumb.
Chemistry: Got the rules for predicting chemical formula products, then another lab with even more corrosive solutions! Goody!
Lunch: Before heading off to it, Christen came by and basically said that I shouldn't give Zack a valentine gram because he already knows that someone's getting him one. And also that he's completely uninterested. Oh well, time to move on. At the table, Justin had a bag with candy bars in it, and he was urging everyone to take some. Apparently he's trying to cut back on food so he's depleting his entire stash. Didn't get any though. While talking with Jen however, I was looking over her shoulder at this rather cute guy. Even better, he was performing obscene gestures on a bottle of soda. Joy!
Art: Semi-finished my practice face. Finished my skin tone spheres. Started my four-skin exercise. Was going to take my self-portrait picture that day, but Treat only had enough time to take one more person's shots.
Afterschool, PA meeting. The secretary didn't show up so I volunteered to record the topics of the meeting... much like I did during APC. Discussed the next Pride Social, bathroom decorations, and talked about how being accepting of everyone doesn't necessarily mean liking everyone. To that I say amen.
Afterwards hung out in the art room till I had to leave for the buses. Witnessed Casey pulling down his pants and getting people to whip him with a riding crop. Helped Michael a bit on his b/w painting.
Ride home and walk home was uneventful.
Tomorrow I plan to memorize my poem for Language Fair, as well as begin memorizing my three other poems. Yargh.
And I need to fill sketchbooks more often. Like how I did last year.
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