Discussion during confirmation class left me severely non-plussed.

Father Mark (dubbed Father Kermit because of his Kermit-the-frog voice whenever he attempts to sing) came to talk about holy orders and the steps to becoming a deacon/ priest/ bishop. Robert, with his magnificent ability to detract the conversation, brought up a question: "Can homosexuals be catholic?"

At this point one would reason that the epitaph "all gays are going to hell" would've been called out, but the points remained valid, and the demeanor of the group very composed. Very unusual atmosphere; I found myself staring at my desktop during the entire thing.

Topics jumped back and forward from whether a priest could be a homosexual to whether a homosexual is even allowed inside the church. Basically, here was the explaination the church offers on their position about the whole issue: A parishioner can be a homosexual as long as they do not commit homosexual acts. Like people with schizophrenia, homosexuals are mentally disturbed and are not held responsible for their thoughts. However, they are still held accountable for their actions before the face of God.

I was deeply shocked, appalled, insulted, and disturbed. Not only because of what was said, but how matter-of-factly and almost nonchalantly he explained things.

It's time to get a reality check. Highschool is fine since everyone's more or less understanding. But enter the real world... and you'll suffer. A lot.

... fuck...

This is not helping my WONDERFUL start of the week.

I think I'll just commit a 'homosexual act' and listen to my Ateens/ATC songs.

... Not really, but shoot me if I ever do.

. . . . . posted:||10:36 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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