Four-plus hours at church today. If I was more of a football-phile I would've been upset, seeing how it's Superbowl Sunday and all.. but I'm not.

The group performing for the mandatory Lental reflection was Radix, composing of a pianist, a person with extreme vocal talents (a la Jim Carrey), and plenty of friendly banter. They were quite effective in bringing their message across... although at the end their message against the entertainment machine was rebuttled with their own use of entertainment to keep us interested. Ran into Karen there, and Sarah got me some Pixy Stix for a bday present.

I was having bouts with my beliefs and such until I stepped into the church for mass... and soon became disillusioned in the validity of the Catholic faith.

Sometimes I wished I had faith again. Ignorance is bliss and all...

Then I wake up.

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