::party poppers fired, sparklers lit, people feel the urge to sing Auld Lang Syne::
And I've reread everysingle one of those fuckers!
It's amazing to see exactly how much I've changed just over the course of a year. Take for instance, my writing style. A tad bit more sophistication than the days of old... although I'm still trying to work out the ackwardness of some of the things I say. But it's better than the near "hey gurlfriend!" one I had, when I thought that blogs were nothing more than shout-out pages. So, here's a general overview of my life through this forum:
Starts off just fine... well, except for my near idiocy 'bout using ftps. Half of my initial entries were test ones for the new layout which I hadn't erased yet. I actually start posting with some frequency come the holiday season of 2000. Mainly me regurgitating whatever happened that day, followed by an observation of something 'round me... Okay, so nothing's changed all that much. I just don't go into as much detail about my day as I used to. With good reason too; writing verbosely is fun, but rereading what you've written at that point is HELL! Ahem... Several interesting posts during winterbreak, including one where I was near a breakdown. The Eric infatuation started sometime then or during January (it's hard to pinpoint the day of recognition) and I can trace my poetry writing throughout till April or so when I decided to back off.
Reading all the happenings of the last semester of my freshman year brought back some memories. For instance, my entire ordeal with the 'manchine' project, my cursed colored oil painting, and the love-web I was caught in... or, erm thought that I was caught in. Lunches back then were far more interesting, along with the Japanese classes.
Summertime was tentative at best... in the beginning anyways. Sure, I was excited to see my old friends from BMS/PV during summerschool. And if you told me that Matt would've ended up being my best friend half a year later I would've thought you mad. When we first knew eachother, we had more layers than a cake made of phylo dough. Must've been all the conditioning from day-school. Funny thing to look back and think that I was so completely goofy for him. When we finally let eachother see a bit of our true selves, all facades stripped down, I realized exactly how much alike we were. That fact still stands today as something that serves both as a strong bond and something very very disturbing.
From summerschool to the new school year I saw friends part ways, find eachother again, cliques disband, etc. etc. Sometimes it yielded great results... othertimes, it was quite heartbreaking. I grew far closer to several people whom I hardly associated with in the past school year (Flavey after I helped her with her Cody crisis, Will after being in his Japanese and English classes, Wendy because we finally had classes together, Marcy and Adrian due to our Chemistry class, Taylor and Gerard for the same reasons, etc.) while becoming slightly distant or not-as-close to others (Rica-san since we didn't share too many classes, Bunny since we had NOTHING at the same time, Leah because she didn't ever fit into my lunch group completely, Christen since we had no classes again, Sarah and Jen because they found better, more attentative friends, etc.).
Last year I was very very closeted compared to this year. Even Lizzy said so: "I remember when last year you being gay was this BIG secret thingy, and now everyone knows!" ^_^ I've grown more confident in my own skin now that I've dropped some weight (although some days I still manage to get pissy at myself) and I've become far more involved in school organizations and clubs... 'course, no where near as involved as monsieur presidente Kevin. No one can beat that boy at anything... how he maintains a 4.0gpa is beyond me.
My artwork's substantially improved.
I know which colleges I want to apply for.
I've learned to take life in a semi-carefree attitude.
Oh, and I'm flirting more now.
Yep, life's much better compared to last year at 'bout this time.
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