Well, considering that it's about 1:30am on the holiest (and certainly one of the most gruesome) day of the catholic religion... I would like to clear up some things.

No, the abundance of bondage and necrophillia that lace the pages of my sketchbooks do not reflect on my actual choice of sexual play. With bondage I seek less to focus on the kink and "abnormality" associated with it; mainly I use images of bondage to try to recapture a sense of reality in the fluffy-pillowed life I lead. It's a far healthier way of expressing my need for the sensation of being abused as to... slamming myself against the wall? The images of people tied up are self explanatory: the chains, ribbons, ropes, straps, and/or intestines which bind these subjects are only metaphors to some other discrepency which binds my characters in an emotional and psychological sense.

As for the images of necrophillia, I blame Poppy Z. Brite and her wonderful style of writing for getting me hooked. No, I do not find screwing corpses all that appealing. But this particular author which I adore was able to take something deemed unmoral by society's standards and make it sensual and intimately arousing. So, I seek to do the same things with the small occurences of necrophillia in my work. Again, the corpses in question are merely metaphors and symbols for people which the necrophilliac in question is condemned to associate with... either that or I needed an excuse to elaborate on a simple muscle/ internal organs anatomy exercise.

I get to perform today. Yay. No really, just shoot me now. Leave it to catholics to try to foul up anything attempt at making something authentic when it is not of their own religion. Case in point: my character's costume is completely inaccurate. The pharisees of the Sanhedran back in the days of Jeezy Chreezy wore far more open sleeves, there should be three stripes of blue/black on my prayer shawl, and where's my big-ass headdress? Nope. Then again, when it's a team of suburban house-wives creating the costumes, does one really expect them to research these minute facts? I thought not.

. . . . . posted:||1:33 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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