Yesterday I saw RENT. I had forgotten how incredible that show was, but half of the bourgeoise audience weren't so enthusiastic about the show. I wished that I was one of the groupies in the "Golden Circle" (three rows in the very very front) that screamed as if it were a rock concert (which it really should've been, ambience wise). The sound techie guy must've been drunk or asleep; half of the time there was a two second delay when he was suppose to turn on a certain character's mic.

Saw Christian, Lauren, and John there. And Lauren was right: "Christian, this isn't a play. It's a cute gay boy convention." This led to an entire discussion on the abundance of gay guys, their incredible height, and the fact that they were all coupled. ::insert a sigh from Christian and I::

General happiness for the rest of the day. Went to Best Buy later and stalked this cute boy through the CD racks.

Then went home and attempted to install some new anti-virus software onto the computer... which took 5 hours... grr.

Day 2 of a three-day weekend.

Score: 44

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