I blame my own actions for forgetting a visual project at home that was 20% of my english grade for this quarter. The parallels of fate that happened today is worth noting though; I got permission to turn the board in at the end of the day from Miller, so I try calling my dad during 4th period using Leilani's phone. He was busy trimming the palm tree out in front and didn't hear his phone go off. Ironically enough, a patient called him around the same time as I and he thought that both messages he had on his cell phone were from the same person. Also, we had class in the quad during 4th period and they were cutting the palm trees between Main and Fraiser.

Oh well. C'est la vie. I really could care less.

And strangely enough, it's true; people on diets tend to be boring because all they can talk about is their food intake. Right now dad's complaining about how long he'll have to work out to burn off the calories from dinner, while watching a program on the Golf channel about a female golfer who lost 50 lbs. Quite frankly, all this talk about exercise is tedious and boring to an annoyance.

Just when you think Fortuna's handing you something worthwhile.

In Confirmation class we had father Mark (aka Kermit the Frog) talk to us. I was completely disinterested because all of the subjects he was covering I already knew about. Most of the lecture was people asking questions and attempting to subjugate 2000 years of catholic dogma. As much as I do not believe in the Roman Catholic Church I at least understand and appreciate the traditions, dogma, and foundations with which the church has relied on to survive for two millenia.

But then someone had to bring up the whole issue of homosexuality. As much as I hated Fr. Mark's answer ("Homosexuality, like schizophrenia, is a mental disorder.") the girl who asked it deducted from the answer given that "gay people go to hell."

This is a beautiful way to start the week.

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