Erm, so yeah. Recently discovered that the main reason why my internet has been almost as slow as a regular dial-up modem is (::dundundunDUN::) four viruses hiding in the temp folder. So, I've been using Netscape for the past week or so. Things have been... interesting... while I still try to adjust to the blue-ish layout of the browser, but now pages are literally loading in one second. Hehe.

Grandma's been annoying me to no end. Usual teen-angst about an authority figure laying down rules and lectures left and right, and the urge to rebel. Normally that's not enough to phase me... but then you factor in the subtext while most asian parental figures are notorious for exploiting and... it's not a pretty sight.

While burning some words into the wooden boat this thursday, I accidently spilt some (read: half the can of) mahogany wood stain onto the concrete. Five hours and several bottles of acetone later, and the stain... is still there. I'll need industrial strength/size acetone to get the entire thing out. Yeesh.

Been watching almost all of the sitcoms on BBC America. There's "Gimme Gimme Gimme" which mirrors many of the fag-hag relationships I have multiplied a thousand fold, a fusion of Sex In the City and Friends in "Coupling," and a Malcom-In-the-Middle meets Sex-In-the-City a la mid-life crisis men in "Manchild." And, of course, the almost-catholic comedy of "Father Ted." Best of all, British sitcoms are infinitely more risque and contain a plethora of well-written sex comedy. Good stuff.

First week of work finally over and done with. So far, no paper cuts... but I did manage to get myself two papercuts and a half-inch second-degree-burn on one finger at home. Ech. And it seems as if sis and I are the hardest working employees in the building; most of the doctors have several minutes in between patients to hang out and talk to eachother or practice their golf swing.

And now... back to working on the boat. I tried burning letters onto the side, but the stain doesn't allow the letters to show very well. So, I'm carving in the words instead. Wooh, go me.

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