Must... fight... temptation... to... redesign... aah!

Currently, I have been head-over-heels (or as she puts it: "my heart did a whiz-bang, flip-flop, heaven for a minute") for the musical Thoroughly Modern Millie. A pity that I didn't have tickets for their pre-broadway tour, because after seeing two of the song numbers performed on Rosie and the Tony awards, I want to see it bad!

"Days of yore, kind and gentle,
ask me if I'm sentimental!
Not for the life of me!"

Right now completely grooving to the original broadway cast recording of it. The Roarin' 20's was an amazing time in US history, and TMM brings it alive in the jazzy music and the tap-dancing number I saw. Not to mention the numerous shots of the cast in full costume. Mmph!

"The WoolWorth Building! The MetLife Tower! There's gold in them there hills and I'm gonna get it or die trying!"

Allow me to apologize for going cliche for the moment but... I just spent about ten minutes doing the Charleston to two of the songs (plus some faux-tap dancing, jazz hands, and wide-mouthed, enunciated lipsyncing). It's almost as bad as me playing DDR Konamix for two hours straight... almost. But I fear that I'll wear out the $30 I spent on that game by getting all the secrets already.

No, I will not make this into a DDR post; it's already scary enough as is.

Right now step-cousin Joe (the one all my friends think is cute) has his jeep/car parked out in front of the house. Apparently he pissed off mi uncle so he's grounded from driving. But, instead of being a normal parental figure and confiscating the boy's license, uncle took his truck here, disassembled some of the engine so that it won't run, and got picked up later by aunt.

Damn, that means that Joe did something really bad. Kinda pathetic to see a 19 year old get grounded, but when you're boarding at your parents', that's inevitable. Still, I can sympathize and laugh at/with him at the same time.

Piano lessons today because summer vacations cleared up some space in my piano teacher's schedule. Even then, next week's lesson will be on tuesdays with the original set up (sis and I would have both Chris and Bri and switch off every week). Good times, especially since I've been itching to get into more jazz and blues improvisations for some time.

Tomorrow mom's sorority sis is visiting from the motherland so the parents have to go and entertain a guest for the night. In other words, sis and I will be stuck in the house with grandma with no escape.

And then there's the surprise b-day party for a friend's mom on saturday... not to mention the usual sunday fare (on a funny side note: the parish offices sent me a letter asking me to consider volunteering my services to the church as either a eucharistic minister or reader... mandatory attendance of church? Hell no.) and then I still have to actually start painting in my lil boat/box shrine-thingy. Yeesh.

Main reason why I haven't accomplished all that I've wanted to thus far: I spend too much time with the headphones on singing and dancing to any number of musicals.

Watch out, if things progress as they are right now, I'll have to douse the flames with a really large bucket of water.

. . . . . posted:||12:54 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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