The Wonder Twin
You share a passion for eighties dance music, you swap clothes, you work out together, he makes you laugh and is always there with a hug when you need it. The perfect boyfriend? Nah, it's just your Wonder Twin. He's the platonic ideal, an unconditional match to your personality. He'd be the ideal mate if there weren't onee thing missing: sexual chemistry. Besides, thinking of him that way feels downright incestuous.
Individually you're great but together you're a force, an almost telepathic team who instinctively understand each other. Maybe too well sometimes. You don't always want someone in your head, guessing and analyzing your every move. but be warned, your clear familiarity will have people assume he's your boyfriend. Make sure he's ouf of earshot before whispering, "Him? Please! I have standards."
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The Sage
The Sage is like your own Dr. Laura without the harsh judgement, the millions of eavesdroppers, or the overprocessed perm. He has boundless patience for listening to our problems no matter how repeated or tedious. Keeping you on track by loving you enough to speak the truth, he always helps you see things clearly. Just don't forgget that he has problems too. Perhaps he's able to resolve World Peace talks but can't figure out why he dotes on a rotten boyfriend. Or has mother issues even you can see are unhealthy. Even the wisest of us can be blind when it hits close to home. We all need a little direction and perspective sometimes. Be a friend an return the favor.
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