Ah! Stop me, I'm on a cuisine fest!

It's 4am and what am I doing? Sleeping, no. Reading a good book, no. I'm at JamieOliver.com perusing the different recipes.

To make matters worse, before that I was researching what types of wines would go well with the mint-pasta dish I was thinking of preparing today. So far everyone's recommending a light white wine.

Earlier today I finished off my rather large batch of sorbet while reading some more HP slashfics (thank you Karen) when I realized that that wasn't such a good idea. Erm... the sorbet, not the fics. I had hardly eaten anything for lunch, and I had almost a quart of nice, cold orange-ness. To cut the descriptions a bit short, I more or less froze my stomach, chilling my innards (and in this case, my heart and lungs) considerably. One would've imagined that the pasta would've helped to incubate the heat, but apparently it doesn't digest as fast as other cabs. So, I had to lie down and curl up into a ball to try and heat myself up again.

An hour of that and I realized that drinking hot fluids would help too... so I did. And it didn't. The hot water only seemed to make it worse, so I was again huddled on the couch rolled up into a ball. To add (some sort of) insult to the injury, one of my cousins was coming over to visit and chat with dad. But I couldn't move a smeg.

At least I hadn't dressed down into my house clothes yet. And when they finally came for a visit, I was sleeping soundly on the couch, not wanting to be bothered. Eeh.

. . . . . posted:||4:03 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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