Fer chrissake make me stop!

I haven't had an ounce of sleep in the past... 15 hours. I've been keeping myself busy (go Moony and Padfoot slashfics!) reading stuff online, watching some classic samurai flicks (the Zatoichi series to be exact), and working on new layouts.

So, two pots of coffee, one samurai movie, five long slashfics, and 20 layouts later... here I am.

I'm either running out of ideas for possible layouts (they're all starting to take on the same design) or getting discouraged from using assorted pics of my favorite bands. I've spent about an hour on this particular Ash design only to scrap it when, while searching for a more suitable pic, I read that lead singer Tim hates being refered to as "the cute one."

Could just be the coffee talking. If... coffee... could... talk...?

At least I have no online tests to keep me occupied.

. . . . . posted:||7:49 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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