I don't care what anyone says; suppression is working wonders for my current dilemma. The constant preaching of the "sensitivity" doctrine has overserved it's purpose in this country. Everyone shares anything and everything with (almost) everyone else, and secrets are no longer treasured. People 'discussing' their feelings quickly deteriorates into common whining. Someone should tell everyone to just shut up and suck it in sometimes.

But that's just bitter ol' me talking. And that's why I haven't been eyeing anyone over the summer, nor the four months preceeding (Steven doesn't count; he was just someone to obsess over to make lunchtime interesting).

It's worse now. Libido finally woke up just two days before school started up again, and now I don't feel like scoping potential whatevers. But I still feel like the overly-occasional casual sex fiend that I think that I am.

And no, that's still not the problem that I'm supressing.

... Mario Batali is on Martha Stewart at the moment... Oh the perils I transgress to learn a good pasta recipe that I'll just screw up thanks to lack-luster ingredients.
Dammit, now I'm hungry again.

. . . . . posted:||11:16 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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