Taking another long break from working on homework. At the moment the sky is completely clear of clouds and the atmosphere is an amazing chalk blue. The kind of day that almost makes you feel like you could fall into the sky.

I'd be outside relishing the moment, but I don't want to end up looking like black charcoal courtesy of the sun's lovely rays of death! Erm... yeah.

The house is insanely underlit. Practically none of the window shutters are open, so even less light is getting into the rooms. Keeping the majority of windows from facing East and West was definitely a smart move to keep the heating and cooling costs down, but that means that I'm devoid of sunlight.

Don't get me wrong, I hate being in sunlight. But just because I'm a nocturnal animal doesn't mean that I enjoy darkness 24/7. How else am I suppose to tell if my painting's colors are accurate?

The scratchboard assignment is almost complete. A few sections of colored pencilling and some more watercolor and the cursed piece of slate will be over and done with!.. And I've just been informed that it's not due tomorrow, but on Wednesday instead. Oh... great. Well, still have plenty to keep myself busy with.

Been listening to Something Corporate again. It's been a while (for quite some time the whiny emo-boy vocals got onto my nerves) and I'm enjoying what I'm hearing. Which is always a good thing. So much better than not enjoying what I'm hearing. At any given moment. Erm... yeah. So, what inspired this sudden burst of SC goodness? Um... a well written SC/Good Charlotte slashfic? Hey, I'm a sucker for sap... only when I'm hyped up on caffiene.

Yep, sis was right. When I'm happy and excited I'm great to be around, but when my normal, cynical self I'm sour company. Cheers to all those fellow manics out there.

Joan of Arc has successfully transitioned from a bound woman who looks like a black Sinead O'Conner (when I underestimated exactly how dark the highlights were) into a bound woman who looks like a regularly-lit Sinead O'Conner.

Yep. What do you do when there's no milk for the cereal? Pour some nice coffee instead! At least I've got about 25% of the fiber I need for today.

Ha! Behold the "triangular" trade routes in action!

... or not. Time to stop these caffiene trips.

It's too early in the day to be insane anyways.

. . . . . posted:||10:11 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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