... ::clears his calendar for November:: ...
And yes, today I've lifted a large burden off of my shoulders. Don't exactly feel comfortable sharing yet, but I think that I'll be happier for some time.
Scratch that, I know I'll be happy. Mainly because I was rummaging through sis' "unwanted" clothing and found the perfect faux-shiny snake-skin pants for my glam-rock costume. And I found a pair of very very nifty jeans.
Who cares if they're Roxy? I'm wearing them tomorrow and that's final!
::performs a dance of jubilation a la Gap commercial::
All I need now is a denim top and it's all nice and perfect.
Time to go work on... Crucible. I've read that sucker several times over, and once more before tomorrow's American Lit. class so that I can ace that test and bump my grade back up to an "A".
::fires up the good ol' coffee maker::
It's almost sad how pointless Pride Alliance has become compared to last year's. Could possibly be that this year we're focusing too much on de-emphasizing the "gay" pride part of the club. We've lost much popularity because we've shrouded the true origins of the club (much like the church had the castrati).
I really should speak up at some point and say that it's fine that we're for all of diversity, but the de-emphasis still gives some special treatment to the GLBTQ side of the dodecahedron.
To really get to our message of "anything and everything" we need to stop being concerned about the first impression of what the club is about. Yes, defend it whenever someone just calls it the "gay" club, but only refer to it as such when prompted.
Erm... I'll have to think more on that. Currently the family room is an unusual site: the Crucible is playing on the TV (by pure coincidence), Thoroughly Modern Millie's on the computer speakers, I'm wearing boxers and a sweater, and books are stacked precariously next to the entrance to the kitchen. Hm.
Yes, back to work.
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