One of the perks of going to a school where there is an almost unhealthy abundance of theatre geeks: come audition time everyone is singing down the halls.

This year's musical climax is the first highschool performance of Les Miserables.

So if you ever swing by, you'll probably witness people marching down the hallways breaking out in a chorus or two of "Do You Hear the People Sing?" Nice to know that by mid-year everyone will know all the lyrics to all the songs of one of my favorite musicals... followed promptly at the end of the year where everyone hates all the songs. At least, with the absence of dance majors in this production, a lot more people are nice and happy about it.

But seriously, Les Miz is by far one of my more life-altering musical experiences. Mainly our dad's ploy to get sis and I reading at a high-than-average grade level. Well, it worked. Led to disappointment when we finally saw it performed later in life, but oh well.

... and I swear that if people don't start singing down the hallways I'll have to get a bunch of people together at lunch to perform--and that word is being used in the loosest of contexts--as much of "One Day More" as we can before people start chucking rotten fruits.

Oh... and I lied. No layout update and whatnot this weekend. Mainly because I fell asleep midway through the day due to incubation temperatures in my room. Yeah.

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