Dear Jesus-in-Walgreens. Ladies and gentlemen... "Come What May" sung by Sharon Cuneta (the filipino Celine Dion) and Martin Nivera (he looks like my dad with bigger eyes). I'm sorry... but that's just wrong! "I will lub you, unteal mai dai-ing dea" indeed! And the facial expressions from Nivera... ech. I guess all pinoy actors have to have amazing eyebrow skills, but it could have done without the Steve-Tyler-esque lip movements and over-ennunciation. Face it, your FOB accent will show through regardless.

And please excuse me if I seem a bit harsh but... goddammit! No one should ever butcher anything from (one of) my favorite musicals. Ever.

And this goes to you too, Harrison. Screw up Thenadier and I'll kick yer ass. But I have full confidence in you, so that shouldn't happen.

Got loads done during my 7 hours at school working on stuff. The plate's almost done and is looking quite good; it needs a few more final touches. Tried airbrushing "junior" (the mini-head I sculpted to be Mimir's head for my other piece) and, in the beginning, it was turning out quite well. Then the airbrush decided to be an asshole and suddenly gushed out far too much deep-violet on a rather delicate blend. I ended up with acrylic all over my hands and half the table before I figured that just painting the damned thing would be easier.

Oh yeah... score! Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Once More With Feeling! I, being the rabid fan that I am, went out and got the actual cd (nope, no mp3 burning for me!) at Borders along with the new 'Rice novel and some nifty mags with wonderful fashion images. Over the summer I'll have to start making clothes since no one has been making the kind that I like wearing. Well... make em cheap anyways.

Oh shite... English homework. Eh, that's for tomorrow. Junior calls at the moment.

. . . . . posted:||9:23 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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