Best Places/Moments to Kiss:
  • In the backseat of a car, driving home from a night out, as the passing streetlights add rhythm to each movement.
  • Waking up on the rooftop in the early morning, overlooking the entire city, stretching out and huddling together to keep warm.
  • Underneath sheets tucked in so that no light from the outside can come in.
  • When it begins to snow.
  • Touching noses lightly when the movie starts to get boring.
  • When you know that the other is having a bad day, so you sneak up behind him, wrap your arounds around his chest and nibble gently on his ear.
  • While pushing those damned books off of the coffee table.
  • On the dance floor amidst softly turning lights.
  • In the kitchen, against the counter, while waiting for the water to come to a boil.
  • On the piano bench, trying to distract the other's playing.
  • In a dark corner during a concert when the sweat and the heat have become dizzying.
  • With the wind blow patterns around you.
  • As the cherry blossoms bloom.
  • When completely pissed from a bottle of vodka, running away from your parents... again.
  • After cleaning the razor and bandaging up the others' wrist.
  • Sleeping in on a Monday.

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